The Rain

I do love the rain. It’s a nice break from the sun. Headaches ease, I’m not squinting from the sun. I don’t have to try to find shade or keep covered and worry about a rash that the sun will cause on my face. When I was younger I would take the kids to the beach in the rain. We would laugh and splash not worrying about blisters or mommy’s headache. My daughter is like me she doesn’t do well in the sun. Headaches, fatigue, rash. My son is light, his skin is paler, eyes are hazel, and white blond hair. He gets all the stuff we get from being in the sun but after 15 minutes he starts to blister. Rainy days are wonderful. As I get older I am finding that while I still appreciate the respite from the sun, the rain hurts now too. My bones ache I can feel it coming a day in advance sometimes. I can’t go out in it and play in the puddles or go for a walk. The pressure and pain in my body is too much.

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